Pathfinder Technology Group believes that ensuring a safe and healthy workplace is not just a corporate responsibility but is an important facet of all of our activities and is vital to the future of our business.

The safety of our employees and the environment is paramount and we will strive to achieve the elimination of harm to all of our employees and any others who may be affected by our activities.  We do this by encouraging our people to participate in and commit to the development and application of our policies, plans and procedures and also through the inclusion of OH&S in our strategic planning and management processes.

We will comply with our statutory duties and obligations under the Western Australia Occupational Safety and Health Act 1984 as well as other State, Territory and Federal legislation, regulations and national Codes of Practice.  Further, we will constantly seek to improve our plans and practices and act to measure our improvements.

We recognise and understand that OH&S improvements come from co-operation and communication between staff at all levels.  Whilst acknowledging that the ultimate responsibility for safety performance rests with management, we will define levels of accountability and responsibility and accordingly provide training and skills development assistance throughout our organisation.

All of our health and safety related information and documentation shall be available to our staff at all times.

Employees and contractors must ensure that they are familiar with the company OH&S policies, plans and documents which are relevant to their own business activities.  The company will provide resources to ensure that employees are always capable of fulfilling this requirement.

The board of directors has adopted this policy statement on 20 May 2014.