Security System Fibre Links Western Power Terminal

June 2018

In early 2018 Global Power Services of Perth were awarded a major construction project to upgrade and improve the physical and electronic security at the Western Power Northern terminal site in Malaga, Western Australia. The main project scope involved new gates, access roads and a substantial perimeter fence as well as electronic access control systems and surveillance cameras.

Pathfinder was engaged by Global Power Services to supply and terminate both conventional loose tube fibres and high strength optical fibre cable to Western Power’s specifications. The cable was hauled to multiple outdoor security enclosures and indoor equipment rooms so as to form a passive infrastructure ring around the site for the critical security system components, including the cameras. Pathfinder assisted with the design of racks, fitted passive components such as Fibre Optic Breakout Trays, spliced and tested multiple fibre paths around this very large (21ha) site.